Aadhaar card is a 12 digit unique identification number, issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). It is one of the most important identity proofs used for almost all official purposes. Aadhar card can be issued to all the citizens of India like young and older citizens, new born children, NRIs, OCIs, and LTV document holders. You can use Aadhar Card as a proof of Identity, for proof of address, and for all your KYC needs and also to avail various government benefits. Read on to have a detailed insight into how to apply for Aadhaar Card, documents required for Aadhaar card, fees and much more.

To get an Aadhaar number, individuals have to provide minimal demographic and biometric information. Demographic information includes name, date of birth, address, gender, Email ID( optional), mobile number. While biometric information includes Iris scans, fingerprints, and a facial photo.


To apply for an Aadhaar card, follow the steps mentioned below :

Step 1: Go to the official website of UIDAI and enter your State/ Pincode/Locality/District to locate an Aadhaar Enrolment Center near you.

Step 2: Now Visit the enrolment centre and make sure to carry along the valid original documents of proof of identity, address proof and Proof of Birth Date. Make sure to carry your original documents along with photocopies of the same.

Step 3: After arriving at the enrolment centre, fill out the enrolment form with the necessary accurate information.

Step 4: Submit the duly filled enrolment form and supporting documents as mentioned above. Once the documents are accepted, your photo and biometric information (Iris and fingerprint scans) will be taken.

Step 5: After that, the Aadhar centre representative will issue you with an acknowledgement slip as a confirmation of your enrolment. It includes a 14-digit enrolment number which can be used to track your Aadhar card application’s status on the following website –

Step 6: Once your information has been verified, your Aadhaar card will be posted to you by mail. It might take up to 90 days (3 months) to arrive.


All the Indian citizens receive an Aadhaar card after providing their biometric data. In order to confirm the legitimacy of the applicants’ information, the UIDAI requests a list of documents. And Aadhaar cards are only generated after the necessary documentation has been completed.

Below is the list of Aadhaar Card documents that you must provide to apply for an Aadhaar card:

1. Proof of address

You need to submit documents that contain the proof of residing address of the applicant to the authorised Aadhaar centre. These documents must be proper because the Aadhar Card will be sent to the address provided by the applicant in the form. If correct address proof is not provided by the applicant then he may not receive the Aadhar Card.

The following documents are accepted by the UIDAI as address proof for Aadhaar registration:

  • Passport
  • Passbook or Bank Statement
  • Last three months’ Credit Card statement
  • Voter Identification card
  • Driving licence of the applicant
  • Ration Card
  • Account statement or passbook of the Post Office
  • Photo identification cards issued by the Government
  • Insurance policy
  • Receipt showing the Property Tax of the last 3 months
  • Previous three month’s telephone landline bill
  • Previous three months’s electricity bill
  • Spouse’s or partner’s passport
  • For minors, a parents’ passport is required
  • Water bill as long as it is not more than 3 months’ old
  • Previous 3 month bill of gas connection
  • PSU issued a Service photo ID card with the address
  • Photo and a letter with an address signed by the bank on letterhead
  • Photo and signed letter with address issued by a well-known educational enterprise on their letterhead
  • Freedom fighter card
  • Kisan passbook
  • Pensioner card
  • Arms license
  • Job card of NREGS
  • CGHS/ECHS card
  • Signed letter with address and photo on the letterhead of the company issued by the registered office
  • Certificate along with a photo on their letterhead that is issued either by an MP, MLA, Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar
  • Address Certificate issued by the Village Panchayat head or any authority equivalent to them for rural areas
  • Assessment order of the Income Tax
  • Registration certificate of the vehicle
  • Registered agreement for sale, lease, or rent of the applicant’s residential address.
  • Photo and address card by the Department of Posts
  • Caste and Domicile certificate along with a photo that the State Government has issued
  • Either a handicapped medical certificate or a disability Identification card that is issued by either a State Government, UT Government or any Administrations
  • Accommodation allotment letter issued by Central/State Govt. (not more than 3 years old)
  • Certificate of Marriage issued by the Government containing address
  • Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of Rajasthan
  • Certificate from Superintendent/Matron/Warden/Head of Institution of recognized shelter homes or orphanages, etc.
  • Certificate of Address having photo issued by Municipal Councillor
  • Identity Card issued by recognised educational institutions
  • SSLC book containing photograph
  • School Identity card
  • School Transfer Certificate (TC)/School Leaving Certificate (SLC) containing name and address
  • Extract of School Records containing name, address and photograph issued by Head of School
  • Certificate of Identity containing name, address and photograph issued by Recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute
  • Certificate of identity containing name, DOB and photo issued by EPFO

2. Proof of identity

You can submit any of the following supporting documents acceptable by UIDAI as Identity proof:

  • Passport
  • PAN card
  • Ration or PDS Photo card
  • Voter Identification card
  • Driving licence of the applicant
  • Photo identification cards issued by the Government of India/ Service photo ID cards that are issued by a PSU
  • Job card of MG-NREGS
  • Photo identification that is issued by a Recognised Educational Institution
  • Licence of Arms
  • Photo Bank ATM card
  • Photo Credit card
  • Photo card of the Pensioner
  • Photo card of the Freedom Fighter
  • Photo Passbook of Kisan
  • Photo card of CGHS/ECHS
  • Certificate of Marriage : A document containing proof of the marriage of the applicant issued originally by the marriage Registrar (which is mandatory to submit after marriage)
  • Legally approved name change certificate
  • Residing Address card of the applicant that contains both the name and the photo that was originally issued by the Department of Posts
  • Identity Certificate containing the photo of the applicant on a proper letterhead issued by either a Gazetted Officer or a Tehsildar
  • Either a handicapped medical certificate or a disability Identification card that is issued by either the State Government, the UT Government, or any such Administration
  • Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of Rajasthan
  • Certificate from Warden/Superintendent/Matron/Head of Institution of recognized shelter homes or orphanages, etc.
  • Certificate of Identity having photo issued by MP/MLA/MLC/Municipal Councilor or Village Panchayat Head/ Mukhiya or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
  • Gazette notification for name change
  • RSBY Card
  • SSLC book having applicant’s photograph
  • ST/SC/OBC certificate with photo
  • School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer Certificate (TC) containing name and photograph
  • Passbook of the bank Pass having name and photograph
  • Extract of school records issued by Head of School containing name and photograph
  • Certificate of Identity having name and photo issued by Recognized Educational Institution and signed by Head of Institute
  • Certificate of identity containing name, date of birth and photograph issued by EPFO
  • List of Date of Birth Proofs – Documents Required for Aadhar Card

3. Proof of Birth Date

The documents containing the date of birth proof of the applicant which will work for Aadhaar card registration are as follows:

  • Certificate of birth
  • SSLC Book/ Certificate
  • Passport of the applicant
  • PAN Card
  • Certificate of Date of Birth which is issued by Group A Gazetted Officer on letterhead
  • A certificate or ID Card having photo and DOB duly signed and issued by a Government authority
  • Photo ID card having DOB, issued by recognized Educational Institution
  • Marksheet which has been issued by any Government Board or University
  • Government Photo Id Card or Photo Identity Proof or PSU issued ID card which contains DoB
  • Pension Payment Order (Central or State)
  • Central Government Health Service Scheme Photo Card or Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme Photo Identity card
  • School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer Certificate (TC) having name and DOB
  • Extract of School Records issued by Head of School containing name, DOB and photo
  • Certificate of Identity containing name, date of birth and photograph issued by recognized Educational Institution signed by Head of Institute
  • Certificate of identity containing name, DOB and photograph issued by EPFO

4. Proofs of Relationship 

The list of documents required for ascertaining the relationship of the applicant with the family’s head for Aadhaar card enrolment are as follows:

  • PDS Card
  • Job card of MNREGA
  • Medical card issued by the State Government, CGHS, ECHS and also ESIC
  • Canteen card of the Army
  • Pension card
  • Passport of the applicant
  • Any family entitlement document issued by any Central or State Government
  • Registrar of Birth/Municipal Corporation or any local government body issued Birth Certificate
  • Government issued Marriage Certificate
  • Address card having name and photo issued by Department of Posts
  • Bhamashah Card/Jan-Aadhaar card issued by Govt. of Rajasthan
  • Discharge slip/card issued by Government hospitals for birth of a child
  • Certificate of Identity containing photo issued by MP/MLA/MLC/Municipal Councillor/Gazetted Officer
  • Certificate of Identity containing photo and relationship with HoF issued by Village Panchayat Head/Mukhiya/its equivalent authority (for rural areas)


The list of documents required for issuing Aadhaar cards for children is similar to that for a normal applicant. However, one of the parents has to provide their Aadhaar copy in addition to the documents required by normal applicants for obtaining a child’s Aadhaar card.


You can also apply for an online Aadhaar card, known as an E-Aadhaar Card, by visiting the official website of UIDAI. Once all the required papers and biometric data have been successfully collected and verified,  your Aadhaar card can be delivered to your home address by India Post in as little as 90 days, or three months.


If you want your Aadhaar card immediately, then you can obtain a copy of the Aadhaar card, also known as the E-Aadhaar by following the below steps.


Step 1: Visit the official website of Aadhaar card.

Step 2: Fill the form by providing the enrolment number of your Aadhaar number. If you know your enrolment number, enter it along with your name, pin code, mobile number, and the day and time that are shown on your acknowledgement page.

Use your name, mobile number, and pin code if you know your Aadhaar number. After completion of the form, you will be sent a One Time Password (OTP) to the mobile number you provided. This OTP will allow you to download the colored Aadhaar


If you have registered for an Aadhaar at an Enrolment Center, you can check Aadhaar card status there. To check your status, you’ll need your Enrolment ID, or EID. You can find the EID on the acknowledgement slip you get after enrolling.

EID is a 28-digit number comprising two parts:

14-digit enrolment number in the format 012/01234/012345 and

14-digit date and time of enrolment in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

However, to check your status, you only need the 14-digit enrolment number. Providing the remaining 14 digits is optional. If you have your EID number, you can check your status by visiting the Check Aadhaar Status webpage on the UIDAI website.

Please Note : There is no charges for applying for Aadhaar card.

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